Welcome to Ritu Gupta's Research Group

Prof. Ritu Gupta
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Office: MS-730, 6th Floor,
Main Building, IIT Delhi
Email: ritugupta@iitd.ac.in
Laboratory: 3A-12
Welcome to the
Advanced Materials and Devices Laboratory
at Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi
The research in our laboratory is focused on the fundamental and applied aspects of synthesis, characterization, and structure-property correlation of functional nanomaterials. The research areas lies at the interface of electrochemistry, nanoscience and solid state chemistry.
Some of the research areas that are actively pursued in our group includes:
1. Chemiresistive Sensors for VOC detection
2. Electrocatalysis for Hydrogen Production
3. Energy Efficient Electrochromic Devices
4. Energy Storage Devices
Our group is highly multidisciplinary and aims to provide technological solutions to societal problems related to energy, environment and healthcare.
Awards and Recognitions

Feeling delighted